Adult students are aged 16 years or over, manage their own Cambridge One accounts, and have an email address linked to their account.
This article explains how to add adult students to one or more classes.
1. Go to the ‘Students’ tab on your dashboard and open the ‘Manage students’ menu. Choose the option that best applies to your school
2. Select 'Adults' and then ‘Next’
3. Choose ‘Get CSV template’ and save the file
4. Open the template, enter the required information, then save the file
Please note:
- You can invite students with and without Cambridge One accounts
- The ‘First name’ and ‘Last name’ fields are optional
- You can add up to 200 students in total, but the maximum per class is 100 students
5. Now choose ‘+ Upload file’, and then ‘Send invite’
Each student you invite will receive an email invitation and appear on the pending list on the class dashboard.
Tip: Before inviting students, ask your school network administrator to add to the school’s whitelist (safe sender list).
If you want to add younger students to classes, read: How do I add children to one or more classes?