Here’s a step-by-step guide. It’s easy, but you might find it useful to refer to these steps as you create your rule.
- Go to the Materials tile/tab for the class in the Teacher’s dashboard.
- Find the relevant course and select ‘Manage student access’.
- Select ‘Create access rule’ to see course content available.
- Choose units, lessons or activities to include in your content access rule, then press Continue.
- On the ‘Create rule’ page choose ‘lock’ or ‘unlock’, to grant or prevent access.
- Give your rule a title if you wish. If you don’t, we’ll assign one automatically (eg: ‘Lock rule 1’).
- Apply specific dates and time to your rule if you wish. If you don’t, we’ll assume the start and end dates will be the same as your class.
- Enable notifications for students if you wish. You can choose a notification to be sent on the rule start date, 24 hours before the rule start date, 24 hours before the rule end date, or any combination of the three options. If you don’t, students will not be notified.
- Select students you would like the rule to apply to if you wish. If you don't, we’ll apply it to the whole class.
- Once a rule is created it will be shown on the ‘Manage student access’ page. You can review, edit or delete rules by clicking on the three-dot menu.
- Content is unlocked unless it has a lock rule applied to it.
- Where the same content has both lock and unlock rules applied (eg: dates may overlap), unlock always takes priority.
- When you assign activities to your students, this will automatically unlock access.
- Tests are only available to students after they are assigned, so access to them cannot be managed via the ‘Manage student access’ feature. Please use Assignments for this.