1. On your Dashboard, find the class you need and select ‘Assignments’
2. Choose ‘+ Create assignment’
3. If your class uses more than one set of learning materials, first choose the material (e.g. Evolve DIGITAL, Super Minds, etc.). Choose the component (e.g. Practice Extra, Digital Workbook), then unit, lesson, and activities you want for this assignment from the list on the left, and select ‘Next’
Please note: Activities cannot be part of more than one assignment at the same time.
4. Your new assignment will be given a name and the current date as a start date. You can change both if you want
Tip: You can set a start date in the future if you wish. If you do, your students won’t see the assignment until that date.
5. Choose a due date and time, and select ‘Assign’. Your students will be notified at the assignment start time.
Tip: You can change the due date of your assignments later if you need to. If you’d like more information, read: Can I change a homework assignment after I have set it?
6. Your assignments will be listed in the ‘Assignments’ tab of the class.
For information on how to view your students’ progress read: How do I track my students’ progress on homework assignments?