In Windows:
To manually uninstall the app follow the standard Windows procedure:
Go to the Windows control panel, select the app then ‘uninstall’. This will delete all the app files and downloaded content from your computer.
Alternatively you can go to the application folder and click on the ‘uninstall Cambridge One Desktop App.exe’ file.
In Mac
Deleting or uninstalling an app removes it from your Mac and makes the storage space it was using available for other items. You can do this from the ‘Finder’ or ‘Launchpad’.
Locate the app in the ‘Finder’. Drag the app to the ‘Trash’, or select the app and choose ‘File’ > ‘Move to Trash’. Then ‘Empty Trash’.
You can find more detailed indications here
In Linux
Deleting an app removes it from your Linux machine and makes the storage space it was using available for other items. Open the ‘Home’ folder, find the ‘.config’ folder, open it, and delete the ‘CambridgeOne’ folder.