How do we apply a custom grading scale to classes?
To associate a grading scale with individual classes:
1. Go to the Class page, choose 'Actions', then 'Class grade settings'. You will see the ‘Grading scale’ section at the top (see Class grade settings screen below).
2. Click ‘Change’. In the window, choose the scale you want and click ‘Apply’.
3. The scale you selected will be shown on the ‘Class grade settings’ page. Save changes on the page to apply the scale change to the class.
You can also choose to make a custom grading scale the default scale for your school. It will then be automatically assigned to new classes at creation. To do this, click on the ‘Set as default’ option on the three-dot menu for the scale on the grading scales page and confirm your choice (see screen below). Setting up a new default scale will not affect existing classes, their grading scales will continue to apply.