Child accounts are set up and managed by a child’s parent or by a school administrator. No email address is required.
This article explains how to add children to one or more classes:
- Add children who don't have Cambridge One accounts yet:
1. On the 'Students' tab on your dashboard choose ‘Manage students’ and then 'Add new students to classes'
2. Select 'Children', then ‘Next'
3. Choose ‘Get CSV template’ and save the file
4. Open the template, enter the required information, then save the file
Tip: Usernames cannot be changed after you create their accounts. Please check they are correct before completing this step
5. Now choose ‘+ Upload file’, select your template and then 'Create # account(s)'
- Add children who already have Cambridge One accounts and have been added to classes in your school before:
1. On the 'Students' tab on your dashboard choose ‘Manage students’ and then 'Add existing students to classes'
2. Select 'Children', then ‘Next'
3. Choose ‘Get CSV template’ and save the file
4. Open the template, enter the required information, then save the file
5. Now choose ‘+ Upload file’, select your template, find the student(s) you want, and then ‘Add # account(s)’.
- Children with existing Cambridge One accounts who haven't previously joined classes in your school:
They can join your class by choosing the '+ Join a class' button on their dashboard and using the class key you give them.
Here are the steps you can share with your students: How do I join a class?